Healthy By Choice Zoom Presentation
Welcome to easy healthy choices and the Nikken Wellness Home. Dr. John Jackson is a retired internal medicine doctor and now a full-time wellness educator. Dr. Gary Lindner has a Ph.D. [...]
Nikken can be a ‘Blue Ocean’ in the area of home-based-business opportunities
Dear Nikken Friend, In business a Blue Ocean strategy is where a market space is new and uncontested, and the strategy centers around a new value proposition. Red oceans are where competition is [...]
Just Do It
Dear Nikken Friend, What do you think about? This is an important question because our life is what our thoughts make of it. We really do become what we think about. [...]
Nikken Zoom-In Event
Thank you for joining us on the Nikken Zoom-in Event. I trust you found the information compelling. It will become more apparent how an involvement directly, or indirectly with Nikken can [...]
The Most Important Thing Right Now
Dear Nikken Friend, “I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.” What is the one thing that matters the most? Now, with so many things changing [...]
New CIAGA for a New Body!
Dear Nikken Friend, New CIAGA for a New Body! Having a healthy body is a wonderful blessing! The human body comprises around 40 trillion cells. If your cells are healthy, then you [...]
Developing Posture
Dear Nikken Friend, Randy Gage said, “Hope is what gets people into the business. Belief is what keeps people in the business.” For many, when they join Nikken, it is the [...]
Isamu Masuda’s Vision
Dear Nikken Friend, “You can have everything you want, if you live your life in balance.“ These simple yet profound words were not pronounced by a motivational speaker or a community [...]
Making Marketing Claims With Impact and Confidence
Dear Nikken Friend, So often we are told what we can’t say as we promote our business and its wonderful products. Don’t tell people that our products treat, prevent or cure [...]
Dear Nikken Friend, Talking to lots of people on the telephone has always been the central activity for my business success. We are supposed to work from home because of the [...]
Do You Have FOMO? If Not, Get It And Pass It On!
What is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). This is what Ruth and I had when we finally realized the tremendous value of what Nikken had to offer. The possibility to share [...]
The Best Product In The World To Keep Your Immune System Strong!
Dear Nikken Friend, Nikken, a network marketing company, offers a unique fourteen mushroom formula that includes several rare species and exclusive strains grown especially for Nikken. Nikken’s formula is the Rolls [...]
Where Will You Be In 5 Years?
Dear Nikken Friend, This profound statement has affected my whole life: Where you will be in five years depends upon the people you associate with, the books you read, and the [...]
The Ben Franklin Effect!
Dear Nikken Friend, Success and happiness - nearly everything we may describe as the ‘abundant life’ is directly connected to the quality of our relationships with others. The business world is [...]