The latest in Nikken, testimonials, events, and advice from the experts!
Conference calls with leading consultants!
Topics include industry trends, useful tips, and inspiration!
Our global events connect mentors and consultants!
Some of Nikken’s top Independent Consultants discuss a range of issues relating to business success and the latest in health news. You can tune the live presentations or catch them afterwards on our Youtube and other social media channels.
Be sure to follow us AND opt in to receive notifications on the social media platform you use the most!
To catch the show in real time, reference the schedule below.
Nikken Connect

SIZZLE Call Live Every Monday – Friday Evening at 5:30 pm PT
with top Nikken leaders as your hosts. This show is a platform to share Nikken with others.
The power of live stories…
listen in dial: 701-791-9218

The Morning REVolution
Each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 AM PT
REV up your morning! Join Dave and guests for a dose of inspiration, insight and product education. Dial in: 218.548.3988 Pass Code: 83854#

The Call of a Leader
Tune in each Saturday morning at 8:00 AM PT
Special guests will be addressing way you can magnify your Leadership. Webinar access: www.zoom.us/j/976690439 Phone access: +1-646-568-7788 use ID: 976 690 439. International numbers available here >

Weekly Mentoring Call
Weekly wisdom from Ben Woodward each Tuesday at 9:00 AM PT
Each Tuesday morning, Ben offers key guidance to Nikken Consultants. Topics are geared toward what is going on in the field, keeping consultants on track. Tune in live: www.theroyalalliance.com/live

Saturday AM Live at 7:00 AM PT with host Vance Rogers. This show cover a different topic of Team Kaizen Mentoring Program every week.
From Prospecting to product training, registering customers vs. consultants, and of course, the power of live stories…
we’ll do our best to continue covering it all. Listen in Live by phone DIAL: 1-480-660-2210 CODE: 1536#

Aligning With Success
Tune in each Monday evening at 6:00 PM PT
Are you aligned with success?
Nikken Royal Diamond, Mike DiMuccio, hosts shared dialogue designed to help align Consultants with key attributes and current avenues for success through higher awareness and best practices. Tune in: theroyalalliance.com/live

The Product Showcase w/Madeline Zaworski & Michele Kowalchuk
Tune in each Thursday evening at 5:00 PM PT
Madeline Zaworski enjoyed an exciting leadership career in Nursing, Education & as a Healthcare Executive until a ‘downsizing’ opened the door to opportunity for her to ‘Leverage & Compound’ her career skills & credentials with special co-host & Colleague Michele Kowalchuk to increase your awareness for “Why Nikken? Why Now? and “Why Not up-size?”to help create a world of improved Balance in all 5 Pillars of Health.
Michele Kowalchuk is a mother, grandmother and wife of a retired railroader. Her professional background boasts over 20 years in banking and accounting. Stress and ill health lead her to Nikken where she discovered relief for debilitating headaches. With a passion to help others achieve a better quality of life, she inspires people to discover Nikken and to live the life they dream of having.
Tune in: theroyalalliance.com/live

The Product Education Call
BRAINSTORM with Linda Morris every Friday morning at 8:30AM ET ( 5:30 Pacific)
This call is geared toward consultants as product education.
Join online at www.zoom.us/j/7760832783 or by phone at +1-408-638-0968 Code: 7760832783#

The Product Showcase w/Randy Rolfe
Tune in each Thursday morning at 8 AM PT
Discover Active Wellness the Nikken Way, on this Nikken Product Showcase where each week we explore how you can overcome the effects of chronic stress, of daily aches and discomforts, and of increasing toxins in our air, water, and environment. With the help of Nikken’s unique, non-medical, easy to use products, backed by science, based on nature, and proven by millions of satisfied customers, you can feel better and enjoy enhanced mental and physical performance, with better sleep, more energy, and quality food.
Your host Randy Rolfe is a popular media expert on healthy family life and the author of many non-fiction books on parenting, family life, and healthy lifestyle. She is also a lawyer, nutrition educator, family therapist, and independent consultant for Nikken.
Tune in: theroyalalliance.com/live

Bringing Wellness HOME
Tune in each Thursday evening at 4:00 PM PT
Dial -in (605)472-5543 Access Code: 721323
Brody Craney is a passionate believer in the value of creating a “Wellness Home.” He has been a network marketer for over a decade. As a Wellness Consultant he shares viable, non-invasive, technologies that transformed his life and that of his family without drugs, surgery, chemicals, etc. He also Teaches people how to create balance in their lives and show them a vehicle that can connect them to their dream.
Tune in: theroyalalliance.com/live
- Customer Development
- Product Knowledge
- Health Insights
- Business Development
Some of Nikken’s leading Independent Consultants discuss a range of issues relating to business success and the latest in health news. You can tune into the live
presentations or catch them afterwards on Youtube and other social media channels.