The Ben Franklin Effect!

2020-02-28T10:20:02-08:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: Core Consultants|Tags: , , , , , |

Dear Nikken Friend, Success and happiness - nearly everything we may describe as the ‘abundant life’ is directly connected to the quality of our relationships with others. The business world is the world of people that’s all around us. If we don’t understand people, then quite simply, we do not understand [...]

Let’s Do This – Talk To Lots Of People

2020-02-21T11:57:02-08:00February 21st, 2020|Categories: Core Consultants|

Dear Nikken Friend, I will forever remember a story I heard over 40 years ago at a training on how to recruit people into the business done by Amway Diamond Jerry Meadows. Afterwards, a man came up for some extra help. This man explained to Jerry that he just couldn’t seem [...]

11 Ways We Get in the Way of Our Own Success

2020-02-14T11:22:07-08:00February 14th, 2020|Categories: Core Consultants|

Dear Nikken Friend, We all have goals, such as developing a new leg in our business.  How about getting on Team Kaizen or Team Taishi, joining the new Club Kiai?  Or developing a consistent, higher value monthly check in our business? Some people seem to have no problem achieving their goals. [...]

From One To Another One

2020-02-13T08:34:06-08:00February 13th, 2020|Categories: Dave's Musings|

To the World You May Be One Person... But to One Person You May be the World! The world’s biggest problems, when solved are the world’s biggest opportunities.  A huge deterrent for a quality life is to be in chronic discomfort; this is the #1 reason why people first seek medical [...]

My Ikigai!

2021-11-09T08:55:42-08:00February 7th, 2020|Categories: Core Consultants|

Dear Nikken Friend,Valerie and I are attending the Team Nikken Summit in Utah. Just a few miles north is the Freeport Center. I was a forklift operator there as we began our married life, and I hated winter! I would often need to be at work by 3am. It was dark, very [...]


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