The Life Changing Business!

2019-08-30T10:07:38-07:00August 30th, 2019|Categories: Core Consultants, Entrepreneurship|

Ben Woodward is a difference-maker! He came to our town last week and it was very helpful for our local group! Good leadership changes things. Being around great people helps us all become better. Emerson said that, “Our chief want is for someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”   [...]

Kenzen Bergisterol

2019-08-22T11:05:15-07:00August 21st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Kenzen Bergisterol™ is a unique formulation extracted from the citrus bergamia risso fruit that grows almost exclusively in the narrow coastal Calabria region in southern Italy. Clinical studies indicate bergamot factors can have a positive effect upon blood triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure. Bergamot’s health benefits come from its plethora of unique polyphenolic fractions [...]

Nikken – A Company of Destiny

2019-08-12T13:35:19-07:00August 1st, 2019|Categories: Core Consultants, Dave's Musings|

Art Williams just spoke before thousands at a huge Dave Ramsey EntreLeadership event. Art was the original catalyst that kicked off Dave Ramsey’s immensely successful business! I just listened to his amazingly powerful speech and I hope you’ll listen too! Click here Art wasn’t always interested in business. He was a content high school football [...]


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