Dear Nikken Friend,
“I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.” What is the one thing that matters the most? Now, with so many things changing around the world, one can ask rightly, “what matters most in my business right now?”
Well, we are very fortunate to be in a position where new products have been launched and received with grateful and enthusiastic response. We are hearing positive feedback from customers and distributors alike. The newly powdered Super CIAGA has just 10 calories and an ever higher ORAC of 5,000 – increased from 3,500! I love how Nikken creates something so incredible and then thinks – but can we make it even better?
The Kenzen Vital Balance has a delicious new, sweeter flavor. As a certified organic meal replacement, again with low calories and now with organic MCT’s sourced from coconut milk, this is going to be a standard bearer for health conscious, good living people everywhere.
In addition to these two great new additions, we have an incredible virtual event coming on May 16th (just click: http://www.theroyalalliance.com/live 930am PT/1230pm ET or 530pm UK and join us). This event is just one hour long, but gives you a chance to introduce prospective consultants, customers and entrepreneurs to a professional, and compelling virtual event where they will hear from women and men, new and tenured in our business. To stay up to date with the event, get the tools to share, register your interest and learn more about it, just click on here: https://www.facebook.com/Nikken-Zoom-In-109110570790326/
So, back to my question. What then, is the most important thing right now? Invite, invite and invite! We all need to reach out to everyone on our contact lists, our existing customers and team members. We need to connect with former consultants and customers and friends old and new. Virtual events, meaningful connections and digital business is now becoming the norm everywhere. Let’s reach out and invite everyone to try our new organic products. Let them taste the goodness for themselves. Bring people with you to the ZOOM-in event on the 16th and let them feel for themselves the potential of partnership and collaboration.
We have something special to offer the world. Now is the time to share it.
Join our “Call Of A Leader” zoom this Saturday morning!
Saturday, May 9, 2020 @ 8:00 AM PT
Featuring internationally acclaimed wellness consultant Brody Craney. He will be discussing the importance of the new KVB
Or Telephone: 1 669 900 6833 ID: 976 690 439#
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ab1Q8prgyk
Ben & Dave
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