Dear Nikken Friend,
Valerie discovered a wonderful way to use CIAGA! Heading for a relaxing bath, she grabbed a book along with a handful of almonds, placing them in an empty CIAGA container for a bath snack, and raved just how delicious they tasted. I had to check this out, so I refreshed the empty jar with just a minute amount of CIAGA powder along with some salt and pepper, then added some raw cashews, put on the lid and shook it all up. My goodness what an amazingly tasty treat!
Another favorite treat is adding fresh lime juice and CIAGA powder and a little stevia to some unsweetened grass-fed organic yogurt. We had some of our grandkids over so Valerie mad pancakes for breakfast. We had some fresh raspberries and I mixed them with some frozen huckleberries and a spoon of honey along with half a tsp of CIAGA and put in a blender for a berry topping that was bursting with flavor…and flavonoids! Berries are among the healthiest foods you can eat, and CIAGA is a deliciously unique way of concentrating all of the goodness of berries.
Nikken’s Immunity Formula continues to outsell every other product!
Brody Craney highlights this and other products that may offer immune support. Is your immune system in fighting shape?
One way to grasp the workings of the immune system is to think of the immune system as a country. Like a country, the immune system has border guards whose duty is to provide protection from outsiders. It has customs officials who check incoming cells and microorganisms to determine whether they should be admitted. If an unwanted invader penetrates the border, the immune system can mount a counterattack with its army of white blood cells. The immune system‘s intelligence agency keeps dossiers on undesirable bacteria and viruses so it can recognize and destroy those elements when they arrive. The immune system also has mechanisms for handling civil wars and rebellions.
If the immune system is overstimulated, it can harm the body, but the systems civil guards can quiet revolt and maintain the peace. All the agencies work together to make sure that the immune system is a healthy, well-functioning entity. The central duty of the immune system is to distinguish between what belongs to the body and what doesn’t belong. for this reason, every cell that originates in the body has distinctive molecules – identification papers, so to speak – that mark it as belonging. Immune system cells do not attack cells that have their papers in order. However, all cells that originate outside the body are suspect.
The central duty of the immune system is to distinguish between what belongs to the body and what doesn’t belong. for this reason, every cell that originates in the body has a distinctive molecules – identification papers, so to speak – that mark it as belonging. immune system cells do not attack cells that have their papers in order. However, all cells that originate outside the body are suspect.
When the immune system encounters a foreign cell that it recognizes and knows to be harmful, it takes steps to halt the invader. These invaders are known as antigens. An antigen can be a bacterium, virus, microbe, parasite, or toxin. An antigen is any substance that provokes the immune system to act. The ability of the immune system to distinguish between cells that belong to the body and cells that don’t belong to the body is called self-tolerance. -From: Medicinal Mushrooms, by Halpern & Miller pg 25-26
I often refer to DUK tape as ‘Prospecting Tape’ – My script: I’m introducing a new kind of kinesio tape that has a special Japanese-developed technical substrate built into the tape that’s offering some amazing results far beyond the original expectations. Would you listen to one persons testimony of what it did for her? This will give you an idea of why I’m so excited to get the word out! DUK Tape Testimony try out this script and then text them this link to share! -Dave
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