Success is Action. It’s doing the right things… Consistently…daily…over a long enough time for the right things to accumulate and then eventually exponentially compound.
Jim Rohn says: There are only about a half dozen things that make all of the difference in any area of our lives. The fundamental things in our business are (1) Finding Prospects. (2) Inviting them to meet with you. (3) Presenting what Nikken can offer them. (4) Follow up with them. (5) Closing or helping people make the best decision for them. (6) Getting new people started, and (7) inspiring people to attend events
Approaching people and inviting them to meet with you is the gateway skill. Doing business is all about having conversations. Success starts and ends with your ability to put people on a list, call them and get them to meet with you face to face. Everything you want is on the other end of a phone. A phone call can lead to endless and wonderful possibilities!
I must do the most productive activity possible at every given moment.
The most valuable thing YOU can do with your time is being face to face with a great prospect. The second most important thing you can do with your time is getting on the phone and getting more appointments to do that. And the third most important thing you can do with your time is to add more names to your list so you can make more calls.
The actual mechanics of doing Nikken is simple and straightforward. The hard part is developing enough emotional strength to handle the ‘No’s.’ It’s bringing your head and your heart into the game with enough reasons to overcome the fear, and then, just go and do it.
If you think about it…you’ve probably already done something even more scary and at a point in your life where you were more emotionally vulnerable! Remember teenage dating? I was scared out of my mind about the thought of calling a girl for a date, yet I did it anyway, and so did you! Calling about Nikken is way easier!
I also believe that everyone actually loves MLM and loves to sell…. they’re just not aware that they do! Most likely, what they think they know about MLM is from people who do it wrong. Their only experience was probably an acquaintance who was suddenly behaving unusually – with an unnatural obsessiveness, upchucking their opportunity and creating an uncomfortable, creepy feeling. I wouldn’t like MLM either if it was about creating unease!
You will naturally share things you believe in with people you love. People already do lots of networking, and every business loves referrals!
When approaching someone to take a look at Nikken, should you lead with the product or lead with the business? I say lead with common sense! Focus on what interests them.
Since many people have a negative attitude about network marketing, it would be a disservice to begin your approach by saying I’m in network marketing and starting with the same talking points every other company is saying, then they will associate you with the negative experience they’ve previously had from people doing it wrong.
A key to success is look at what everyone else is doing, and then do it differently. Most Network Marketing companies don’t really have an exciting product. What they offer is only the business ownership aspect – which is amazing – Building an asset that can allow you to earn money while you’re sleeping! Freedom, personal growth and accomplishment, many wonderful things. However, everyone is already saying these very same talking points. And these oft repeated talking points can trigger a red flag in the mind of the prospect. They think: Someone already taken me down this road before….!
About 80% of the people who are actively building a business were originally attracted to Nikken because of the product. It would make sense to follow the natural flow of things and lead with our uniquely competitive advantage – amazing products that work, near instantly and dramatically and consistently!
Our greatest salesman are the products themselves, and it’s awesomely fun and rewarding to demonstrate these products by Show-and-Tell to new prospects.
Here is an approach that’s easy to learn and will consistently create interest so people will want to meet with you:
Call people you already know who like you and trust you and ask them for a personal favor..
Hi Bill, I need your help, would you do me a personal favor?
‘Sure, what do you need?’
Have you heard of the term energy medicine? (Or grounding?)
‘A little bit’
I’m working with some non-medical technologies that were originally developed in Japan, and I am hearing some phenomenal things about them, I want to get some personal experience with people who I know, that are interested in having more strength and balance and energy – also this technology is amazing for natural relief of pain and discomfort… all without any side effects!
Do you have 15 minutes this Thursday afternoon or anytime Saturday where we could meet up and do a few demos and see if you can tell the difference? Would you do that for me?
At the appointment demonstrate the MagDuo, mStrides and the KenkoGround, walk them through the Self-Care magazine and Nikken Advantage trifold
When rolling the Mag Duo up and down their back and across their shoulders I ask them if there is any area that hurts or that they would like me to focus on such as neck or lower back pain. My goal is to make them feel better!
If the appointment is at my home, I take them into the kitchen to try the Waterfall water, or I can bring a bottle of it to leave with them if it’s done at their house.
(respect their time – be sure not to overstay your original agreement)
Since I asked for 15 minutes, I want to honor that. If you’re interested, and do you have the time I would be happy to show you what you’re asking me.
Where do we go from here? There are three possible outcomes, and you can even share those with them: First of all, you’re my friend I feel an obligation to let you know about these wonderful health solutions. And regardless of what you do with what I’ve shared with you, we are first and foremost, good friends!
1) Now that you’ve seen this, of course you can simply say, ‘No thanks’ and we are still friends ~ and life will stay pretty much the same.
2) I would love to have you as a preferred customer, and I believe that you and your family could receive real benefit from these powerful products.
3) I’m looking for some business partners, and I’ve always loved you as a friend and I believe we could work really well together. You just saw essentially my job description: I get to go out and make friends and share exactly what I just shared with you and if they take advantage of the products or the business, it might change their whole life!!!
If you’re open to it, I would love to take you for a test drive…. of all the people you know, who is someone that you love as a friend, and you believe they might be interested in seeing what I just showed you?
Every business loves referrals, including me! It’s a lot of fun to help people feel good and when you do these show-and-tell demos, they consistently work!
It pretty much comes down to a numbers game, get really good at sharing the story and demonstrating awesome products. And over time, you get lots of customers and some people who want to build a business with you. The worst-case scenario is someone will say no. The upside is you could make a huge difference in the lives of many people, all while having fun and make a lot of money…. Plus…You’ll get to work closely with me ; )
People want to feel needed – This script is an appeal to those driven by purpose:
For example, if they happen to be a realtor, I will appeal to them: Honestly, Rick we need you! The world needs you! As a successful and influential person, there’s no question that you know a whole lot of people. Just think about how many of them hurt… and yet if they were to have access to these technologies, they might not be hurting! They could enjoy blessed relief. Their lives would be wonderfully transformed! If you join us and really go for it, because of your good influence, then they’ll learn about this; you will dramatically touch their whole life. Over the course of a few years, thousands of people can be positively affected, just because of you! This is the reason we need you. We simply aren’t very well known yet. If you share this, their lives will be changed. If you don’t, then they’ll never know about it. Think about the last home you sold…that’s a good thing to do for someone – on the other hand, these people were already looking for the home and there are a hundred other realtors who would have closed the deal. You can do a greater good with us, and for many, many people, there simply is no other person who will connect them to Nikken and change their life. Come with us…Destiny is calling!
Our BIG Why The drug companies make billions of dollars keeping people sick by selling products that keep people coming back. Big Business is built on ‘Sick Care’ and they dominate the media and popular culture. If you want to get healthy, you have to break that cycle – so we need your help in sharing this information far and wide! You and the people you love can get out of that cycle by learning there is a better way!
Today our Nikken message is more relevant and important than ever. We have a better way!
Power Script from Rick Murphy: Nikken is in the process of launching a Next Gen Home Business with a very advanced product line in North America. Right now we are among the first to know…but that is going to change very rapidly. We are team leaders in this area and are putting together the initial launch team to prepare for thousands who will connect to Nikken regionally. We are in coordination with a National Team and have all of the support and infrastructure to make this happen. Those who develop this now have the ability to earn 6 figure+ incomes and will impact countless lives doing so. Are you interested in seeing if this is a fit for you?
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