When I sell 1 Nikken KenkoGround at the retail price of $133.00?
The Wholesale price is $106.00
$133.00 Retail minus $106.00 Wholesale equals a profit of $27.00.
This is what you earn as a new distributor!
As a Direct, you earn 5% of the CV, $3.18 + $27.00 = $30.18 total profit.
When you become Executive, you earn 10% of the CV, $6.36 + $27.00 = $33.36 total profit.
When you become Silver, you earn 20% of the CV, $12.72 + $27.00 = $39.72 total profit.
Nikken KenkoGround
PV (Points) = 106.00
CV = 63.60
Consultant (Wholesale) 106.00
Retail 133.00

KenkoGround Talking Points
Are you familiar with the term Grounding or Earthing?
Inflammation seems to play a major part of practically all of the bad stuff you don’t want to get, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and so on. A lot of research is indicating that the most potent anti-inflammatory you can give your body is plentiful and it’s for free! It’s the earth! The earth is a natural and limitless reservoir of free electrons. These electrons can directly neutralize or quench the free radicals in our body if we simply make direct physical contact with the earth. Earth-contact has been a natural and continuous part of our environment until shoe soles started being made with synthetic non-conducting materials about 70 years ago. Our urban lifestyle has further isolated us from our natural connection to the earth, such as working on the fifth floor of an office building, sitting on a chair with plastic wheels, and further isolated us with a plastic chair pad.
We have created a highly conductive silver pad that reconnects you to the earth. It brings all the natural benefits of grounding inside, conveniently! Just connect the pad to a grounding outlet in your home or office. I’ve got one and it’s quite amazing. I would like to show it to you, and see if you can feel any difference.
If you Google around, you’ll find some amazing studies conducted by leading universities and top hospitals: papers published by scientists and studies done by individual doctors with their patients.
How Much Can I Earn?
When I sell I Nikken PiMag Waterfall at the retail price of $336.00?
The Wholesale price is $269.00
$336.00 Retail minus $269.00 Wholesale equals a profit of $67.00.
This is what you earn as a new distributor!
As a Direct, you earn 5% of the CV, $9.42 + $67.00 = $76.42 total profit.
When you become Executive, you earn 10% of the CV, $18.83 + $67.00 = $85.83 total profit.
When you become Silver, you earn 20% of the CV, $37.66 + $67.00 = $104.66 total profit.
Nikken PiMag Waterfall
PV (Points) = 269.00
CV = 188.30
Consultant (Wholesale) 269.00
Retail 336.00

PiMag Waterfall Talking Points
You can enjoy the most delicious, purified and enhanced drinking water for only pennies per gallon! Our PiMag Waterfall system creates purified, structured, mineralized, low-redox, magnetized, alkalinized…it does everything good that you can do for water…from your home’s municipal water without electricity or plumbing. All this for an amazingly low investment. If you are buying bottled water, the payback is almost instantaneous!
• A regulated acid/alkaline (pH) balance is essential for maintaining health, but a typical modern diet and lifestyle can lead to excess acidity. Ordinary water from a household tap, well or bottle is also often acidic. The PiMag Waterfall is designed to produce water with added minerals, in a pH range of 8.5-9.5.
• Ionized water decreases oxidation-reduction potential. A high ORP contributes to unwanted oxidative decomposition. Ionized PiMag water from the Waterfall can help offset the oxidizing effect of many elements of the modern diet and environment. This can actually help slow down cellular destruction.
• Commercially bottled water is not only expensive; the quality or level of contamination can vary depending on where or when it was bottled. The PiMag Waterfall provides consistent quality.
• The PiMag Waterfall is environmentally responsible. It reduces the number of discarded, disposable water bottles that become trash in landfills. This also decreases consumption of fossil fuels used in manufacturing those bottles. PiMag products are made with recyclable and biodegradable materials, including a polymer that does not leach chemicals into water as some plastics will.
How Much Can I Earn?
When I sell 1 Kenzen Bone Health Pack at the retail price of $72.50?
The Wholesale price is $56.00
$72.50 Retail minus $56.00 Wholesale equals a profit of $16.50.
This is what you earn as a new distributor!
As a Direct, you earn 5% of the CV, $2.24 + $16.50 = $18.74 total profit.
When you become Executive, you earn 10% of the CV, $4.48 + $16.50 = $20.98 total profit.
When you become Silver, you earn 20% of the CV, $8.96 + $16.50 = $25.46 total profit.
Kenzen Bone Health Pack
PV (Points) = 56.00
CV = 44.80
Consultant (Wholesale) 56.00
Retail 72.50

Kenzen Bone Health Pack Talking Points
This product can change your life! This formula is packed with a whole plethora of important, patented nutritional factors that have been clinically validated to support bone/joint/vascular as well as overall anti-aging. BDZ is a high bioavailable source for all of the 72 important trace minerals that are vital for a healthy body. BDZ contains a unique patented and potentized form of K2 that helps Calcium go where it should and NOT go where it shouldn’t. Lots of studies show a direct correlation with ‘vascular elasticity or arterial distensibility’ and the amount of K2 contained in the tissues. This product is worth looking into! Click Q&A for more info
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