What difference would it make if everyone had NIKKEN in their homes? Would this change anything in our world? By witnessing the wonderful transformation NIKKEN offers individuals who use NIKKEN, one can only imagine the wonderful impact we can have as we multiply the number of Wellness Homes.
More than half of the USA population are on prescription medications—four on average.* Just imagine that same population using four or more NIKKEN products instead of all those drugs; surely there would occur a Wellness Revolution!!!
*We now take more pills than ever. Is that doing more harm than good? ( https://tinyurl.com/DoLessMeds )
I was recently invited by a friend to have lunch with the president of his new company who came to town. This guy had previously founded two other billion-dollar companies! He is a good man and a visionary leader, and he passionately spoke about launching this third company. (I looked at their product. Ingredients: Fructose, Erythritol, Cane Sugar…) Would this change anything in our world if half the population ate this stuff? Hardly!!!
We use the term Massively Transformative Purpose to make you realize how powerful you are, that a single individual, driven by a purpose can change the world! And You can change the world, I truly believe that! –Peter Diamandis elaborates on MTP in this 5-minute video: https://tinyurl.com/NIHONMTP
Every Home A Wellness Home
NIKKEN – Discover it. Live it. Share it!
A Massively Transformative Purpose wakes you up in the morning with a fire in the belly. Something that’s always in your head while you eat, shower, and before you go to sleep. A Magnificent Obsession! Living all out wholeheartedly!
It must be focused upon you causing a transformation in others and creating an explosion of empowerment and extraordinary results as a consequence. It is all about unleashing the potential of those around you…experiencing a shift in how you relate to yourself as a leader.
With the advent of our new ‘Launch Packs’ along with all purchases counting for rank advancement, plus weekly retail commissions, we have a fast track to run on.
Ideally a new person may get all of the packs…realistically, though and ideally appropriate for business duplication, I’m recommending new people invest in an Energy Pack, and add a water bottle and tube of CM Cream.
The most productive way to use our time is when we are in front of prospects. I highly recommend you start with all the people you already know, call and ask: “I need your help, would you do me a personal favor? My company came out with what’s called an Energy Pack. And that’s exactly what it is! The Pack has several non-medical technologies that can give a person more energy, strength, and balance. If someone is hurting, it often can offer dramatic and almost immediate relief without any side-effects. Can I meet with you for 15 to 20 minutes to help me test this out? I want to build some experience with people I personally know to validate all this!”
This Recipe for Success is simple to follow, creates business volume quickly, it is easy to duplicate and therefore will create momentum!
I believe you have a pretty good idea of what a High-Performance Culture is that produces extraordinary results. I also trust that you have seen at least a few attributes of the culture that you consider to be impactful and capable of being leveraged into a High-Performance Culture.
And… the best way for you to be empowered to influence a transformation is for YOU to consider yourself as the one who is going to cause the culture shift to happen! Be an example of what is possible!
I know this idea may seem daunting, depending on your level of experience or your perception…You may be correct in thinking that there is only so much you can do, but that is exactly where I want you to start. Become familiar with the foundational principles of Transformative Leadership and the attitudes and actions of Transformative Leaders, focus on how they apply to you, not anyone else. Start right where you are, and you’ll be amazed how quickly your influence will grow! -Amir Ghannad, The Transformational Leader p.50
Act as if it were impossible to fail!
I just did another Facebook Live: https://tinyurl.com/NIKKENhasENERGY
Big things are difficult to do all by yourself! Partnerships can completely change the game. If we really want to grow, we need partnerships. When the right people come together we can really make a difference. This is when the magic happens!
We are truly passionate about making a difference in your life and business through a NIKKEN partnership!
Dave & Valerie Johnson
The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination. -John Schaar
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