When you hear the word habit, it’s easy to just think of bad habits, but in life there are both good habits and bad habits. It’s said that good habits are hard to acquire, yet easy to live with, while bad habits are easy to acquire but hard to live with.
Men do not decide their future. They decide their habits, and their habits decide their future.
-Mike Murdock
Herbert Gray’s The Common Denominator of Success is that:
Successful people make a habit of doing what unsuccessful people don’t like to do; they might not like doing it either but they just do it anyway! It’s not like people who succeed have loved every step they’ve taken, they simply recognize all the future benefits their good habits will bring them.
-Will Durant
Our desires will not materialize unless there is ACTION! A KEY that will change everything in your life is to identify those tiny actions that when repeated, accumulate into greatness.
Habit expert BJ Fogg suggests you create a ‘Tiny Habit’ by doing the chosen activity right after doing something you are already doing. i.e. Do 2 pushups right after going to the bathroom, or flossing just 1 tooth after brushing your teeth. What’s important is to make the habit TINY so that it’s easy to do, and then you will do it no matter how tired or unmotivated you are. Now you will be creating the seed for a good habit nonetheless. You should also praise yourself after doing the habit. Tell yourself “I’m AWESOME!” while pumping your fists in the air. This really works! Please watch him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdKUJxjn-R8
What we do (or not do!) continually and consistently becomes habitual, becomes natural. Habit makes everything easy and casts difficulty on the deviation from the wasted course. We can always launch new habits when we set our goals and remain committed to achieving them.
Be a ‘Core’ Person by making these Core Activities Consistent and Habitual:
-Be your own best customer by using all the products.
-Be QA with at least 500 in monthly retail sales
-Meet & Talk – Share Nikken at least twice a week.
-Communicate with a mentor. Learn from others that have experience.
-Watch a live or recorded webinar. Educate and inspire your heart.
-Read for at least 15 minutes from a recommended book. Nurture your mind.
-Listen to a Nikken audio for at least a few minutes each day. A positive mental attitude!
Sow an act, reap a habit
Sow a habit, reap a character
Sow a character, reap a destiny
and then our habits make us.”
–John Dryden
Remember, your habits today are creating your future tomorrow!
God bless and protect,
Dave & Ben
‘Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.’ -Zig Ziglar
Watch: Tiny Habits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdKUJxjn-R8
Listen: The Game of Work https://soundcloud.com/magnetic-leaders/the-morning-rev-the-game-of-work
Read: Seriously, get and read this book! 3 Seconds by Dr Les Parrott https://www.amazon.com/3-Seconds-Power-Thinking-Twice/dp/0310272491
Share: Health is a Choice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm8z0TiKAQ4&t=192s
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